
Ruhr refusals 13
Roman period 12
Rapscallions 12
Rural crossings 15
Real estate map 15
Right on a mapa 15
Remove roughly 14
Rap's Dr. -- 16
Revolting Turner 16
Record player parts 19
Round cheeses 13
Room partner 12
Rah, in Spain 13
Request earnestly 17
Regional dialect 16
RR stop: Abbr. 14
Rounded letter 14
Revival-tent cry 16
Regular regimen 15
Remains of a wreck 18
Really dresses down 19
Rainwear, for short 19
Remove brads 12
Roentgen items 14
Refuse to yield 15
Renault competitor 18
Rahs, in Madrid 15
Remained sober 14
Renatta Scotto solo 19
Run, as software 16
Renault filler 14
Redactors: Abbr. 16
Raven, Ram or Eagle 19
Rob Reiner offering 19
Rain slickers 13
Rafters' kin 16
Response option 15
Renata of the Met 17
Roger Rabbit, e.g. 18
Rialto and others 17
River barrier 13
Riddle, part 6 14
Roker and Pacino 16
Reorganizing 12
Rabbits and roos 16
Reformer Lucretia 17
Render unwell 13
Rimshot need 12
Righteous Schindler 19
Run-on sentence 15
Roman Demeter 13
Roofing sealant 15
Raw tuna devourer 17
Reviewer Reed 13
Room with a vue 15
Right on the nose 17
Red-ink figures 15
Refuge from a storm 19
Rabbit, to Remus 16
Rope on a ship 14
Relating to luck 16
Rink caretakers 15
Running area 12
Range animal 12
Really smart people 19
Raspy-voiced 12
Ranch suffix 12
Reason, for one 15
Recommended amount 18
Red news source 15
Religious lore 14
Ruby's partner 18
Runs before a gale 18
Rock concert venue 18
Require forgiveness 19
Rotarian relative 17
Reiner or Roy 13
Readies the rolls 17
Rice, in China 14
Reindeer trailer 16
Repair, in a way 16
Reaganomics theory 18
Roulette, e.g. 14
Renault gear 12
R&D setting 15
Roast meat serving 18
Red Sox franchise? 18
Result of whipping? 19
Regal crowns 12
R.P.I. rooms 12
Revolver, e.g. 14
Roadside flower 15
Replacement part? 17
Rotation line 13
Rushed around 13
Rhyme for sin 13
Razor-blade device 18
Red state org. 14
Roll before flying 18
Russian epic hero 17