
WWII Greek org. 15
Work hard enough 16
Was merciful to 15
Way of thinking 15
Winter hazard 13
Where choppers land 19
Was caught short 16
Win by a ___ 12
Wee colonial 12
Wrangles wrongfully 19
Workers' backer 19
Walking the line 16
Whitaker role 13
Wet-road danger 15
Writer Rushdie 14
Wren's relative 19
Wimple wearers 14
Wham-O bestsellers 18
Wheels with teeth 17
Way-too-easy jobs 17
Wallendas' need 19
Where atts. contend 19
Word to a nag 13
Western herb 12
Where Joshua fought 19
Walking ___ (rapt) 18
Wheeled table 13
Where Joe sent you 18
Where Kabul is 14
Well-liked prez? 16
Wasp creations 14
Wood muncher 12
Wall St. men 12
Walked in the woods 19
Whse. container 15
Where Jodie lives? 18
Word with 23 12
Windy locale? 13
With, in Wassy 14
Wings title track 17
Word with friendly 18
Where the pupil is 18
W.W. II crossing 16
West of Brooklyn 16
Where Mecca is 14
Wintery region 14
Winter sliders 14
Wordy opponents 15
Worked on a shoe 16
Waste, as a fortune 19
Wily maneuver 13
Working colonists 17
Winter honoree 14
Well-known intruder 19
Western Amerinds 16
W.W. II bomber 14
Works on an A-frame 19
What Bo-Peep did 16
Wishes one were (6) 19
Warning words 13
Weaker in color 15
Was the right size 18
Warm-water fishes 17
Weasel's kin 16
Wedding walkway 15
Welcome, as company 19
What's expected 19
Written test answer 19
Woody Guthrie song 18
White House prename 19
Worshiper's cry 19
What a pause does 17
Waterlogged land 16
Wine, casually 14
What a kanone does 18
Where to get off 16
Way in: Abbr. 13
Wrangler fabric 15
Where Kaifeng is 16
W's degree 14
Wonka creation 14
Well offering 13
Wife of D.D.E. 14
Western Ohio town 17
W.B.A. result 13
Wind and pepper 15
Women's mag 15
Whiffs that waft 16
Worsted yarns 13
Windows predecessor 19
Watchdog, maybe 15
Well versed in 14
Wordless pain 13
Warm and inviting 17
Without a companion 19
Without artifice 16
Was overrun (with) 18
Wavelength symbol 17
Worker of yore 14
Writer Umberto ___ 18